

Teeny Wonders Baby massage with the lovely Joely

12:30- 1:30pm

11/09/2024- 16/10/2024

Teeny wonders baby yoga with the lovely joely

New class not to be missed!




9.15-10.00 Moving Mumma’s

£8 per ticket including Mumma and child*

*plus 50p booking fee

(You are very welcome to stay for our every day play session that starts after this class for a Reduced entry fee of £3.50)

Please bring an exercise mat.

Moving mumma’s is a fitness class for mums and their littlies.

Come along and work out whilst your little one plays in our wonderful play space that will keep them occupied and entertained. The Wonderland team will be on hand for any cuddles or assistance with your littlies so that this can be time for you!  

 Classes are designed to raise your heart rate up and build a little strength.

Suitable from 12 weeks post-natal.  

All fitness levels welcome as exercises can be modified to individual needs.

 We are so lucky to have the wonderful Nicola Pushman from NP fitness to host our classes. Here is a little information she has asked us to share with you…

I’m Nicola, mummy to Lola and Charlie. I have set up these classes as I know firsthand how tricky it can be to find time to exercise when you have little ones. These classes will give you an opportunity to train with your little ones in tow without having to source childcare. You’ll be working out with like minded mummies who are all on the same journey as you.

The classes are totally relaxed and there is absolutely no pressure or judgement. Your little ones needs come first. If they need feeding, changing or comforting, please do that.

Being a mum is all kinds of wonderful but it doesn’t work so well unless you make some time for yourself too. Make yourself a priority and feel more than ‘just a mum’.