A little bit about me…

i have tried to create a space for play that inspires wonder and curiosity for our littlies and a cafe for grownups to feel comfortable to relax, socialise and eat cake!

I am keen to develop Wonderland into a hub for all things children and families. 

If you have a service you think could fit into this space please get in touch.

Hi, I’m Nicole, a mummy to two little ones; Rowan and Mila. My background is early years and I have a degree in Education studies. After several years out of the early years sector I am super excited to get back into it! I love to see children learning and developing their skills through play and I can’t wait to share our amazing new play space with you and your little ones. 

after having my children I realised how important it was to get out of the house and find some time to catch up with friends and just let off some steam! Parenthood can sometimes feel lonely and that’s why we are hoping to create something where families can come together and always feel welcome.